You are welcome to November

I welcome you to the month of November. Glory be to God for yet another wonderful month. The year is coming to an end, but it is not yet over, and that dream and vision of yours can still come to manifestation it is not dead yet! Don’t give up just because in the natural […]

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Hello October

Welcome to the month of October, the beginning of the last quarter of year 2018. October is the 10th month of the year and in biblical terms, it represents perfection of divine order, completeness and a start of a whole new order. Many times we see the number 10 used in the bible, 10 commandments, […]

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Welcome to the month of September 2018

Welcome to the month of September. Glory be to God that has been our refuge and strength since the beginning of 2018. Number 9 symbolises an end to a thing and beginning of new thing. The ninth month ends a woman’s pregnancy and results in a new life and Jesus Christ gave up the ghost […]

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Hello August

I welcome you to the eighth month of the year – August 2018. Number 8 is specially associated with resurrection, regeneration and the beginning of a new era. When the whole earth was covered with flood waters, Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5) was spared to begin a new era, […]

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Welcome to the month of July

Welcome to the month of July, the start of the second half of the year 2018. It’s been a wonderful mixed ride since the beginning of the year but, all in all, the Lord has been so good and He’s worthy to be glorified. Please magnify the Lord with me and let’s exalt His name […]

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It’s June again!!!

It’s June again!!! I welcome you to the sixth month of the year, i.e. June! It was in the sixth month the angel of Lord visited Mary, the natural law of conception was suspended and she conceived supernaturally – what a divine visitation! Luke 1:26-33 Have you been believing God for something since the beginning […]

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Goodbye April, Welcome May

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Wao! Wao!! Wao!!!, it’s May already, the fifth month of the year 2018. Welcome to the month of May. Spiritually, number five represents ‘manifestation’ for, on the fifth day, God spoke to the waters to bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life and the fowl that would fly above the earth – and […]

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Hello March, Byebye to February

I welcome you to the third month of the year 2018 – “MARCH”. It is a month of divine perfection, and I pray that God will perfect that which concerns you in Jesus name. Remember, as you are moving toward your set goals, there are distractions and hindrances along the way caused either by self […]

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Welcome to February 2018

Welcome to February, the second month in 2018. I hope you’ve been having a good start to 2018? Were you able to accomplish the tasks/objectives/goals you set for the month of January? If “Yes”, good – as this shows you can repeat the same for February, If “Not” do you know why you didn’t accomplish […]

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