Welcome to the Month of June, 2017

Welcome to the month of June. Six is a very unique number and is the number of man for God created man on the sixth day after the He rested. God created man to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it and to have dominion over every creature of God, Gen. 1:26-31. Also, […]

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God’s Presence

Verse of the Day Gen 35:5 And they journeyed: and the terror of God was upon the cities that were around them, and they did not purse after the sons of Jacob. Prayer O God my help in ages past I say good morning. My ever present help in time of need I appreciate your […]

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Welcome to the month of April 2017

Welcome to the month of April, the FOURTH month of the year. I can’t believe it’s April already! Lots of exciting stuff coming up… Easter celebration – Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ; my birthday and many other birthdays in my family; many things to celebrate and to thank God for, I am grateful O […]

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Welcome to the Month of March 2017

Welcome to the third month of the year, – MARCH. It’s amazing how time flies whether one is wasting it or not! William Penn said, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst“. Are you on track with your set dreams and visions for the year? “Three” is the number of “divine […]

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Welcome to the Month of February 2017

Wow! the month of February is here already. It seems just like yesterday that we are saying “Happy New Year” As the saying goes time waits for no man. I welcome you to the month of February, the second month of the year 2017. Are you still following your visions/objectives set at the beginning of […]

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