Glory be to God almighty for 3 ends in one day, Today is the last day of the week, Today is last day of the month and today is last day of year, very interesting.
Thing like this does not always happen but the fact that you and your family are alive to experience this day can only mean one thing; the thoughts that God has toward you are not the thoughts of evil but of good and peace to give you an expected hope as you match toward year 2017.

Prayer Points

1. Thank God for His many blessings, daily benefits, pleasant surprises and answered prayers in 2016. Ps. 68.19; Ps. 16:6; Ps. 34:1-7
2. Father, as this year is coming to end, let every Egyptian trouble my life and my family perish in the red sea, let them expire with year 2016 in Jesus name. Exo. 14:28
3. Father, I pray that every wall of Jericho before me as I march toward 2017 crumble in Jesus name. Josh.6:20
4. O Lord, in the name of Jesus, break every snare and so that I can fly into year 2017. Ps. 124:7
5. Father, as I march toward 2017, I put behind me old and former things and I remember them no more in Jesus name. Isa.43:18
6. Father, do a new thing for me as we go into year 2017 and let them spring forth in Jesus name. Isa.43:19
7. Thank you Lord for answered my prayers. Ps. 34:6

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